Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: adrian@bsdserver.ucsf.edu (Adrian Mariano)
Newsgroups: rec.games.go,rec.answers,news.answers
Subject: The Game Go -- Frequently Asked Questions
Supersedes: <games/go-faq_794784702@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: rec.games.go
Date: 26 Mar 1995 14:26:41 GMT
Organization: Go Group
Lines: 927
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 25 Apr 1995 14:26:33 GMT
Message-ID: <games/go-faq_796227993@rtfm.mit.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bloom-picayune.mit.edu
X-Last-Updated: 1995/03/10
Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu rec.games.go:12132 rec.answers:10944 news.answers:37795
Archive-name: games/go-faq
Frequently Asked Questions
by Adrian Mariano
Many FAQs, including this one, are available on the archive site
rtfm.mit.edu in the directory pub/usenet/news.answers. The name under
which a FAQ is archived appears in the Archive-name line at the top of
the article. This FAQ is archived as games/go-faq. Note that FAQs
are available at this site, but NOTHING ELSE. This is not the general
Go archive site which is described below. FAQs are also available by
WWW using http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/top.html.
If you do not have ftp, you can request messages from rtfm by using
the local mail server. Send mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
containing the line "send usenet/news.answers/games/go-faq" to get
this file. Send a message containing "help" to get general
information about the mail server. The rtfm mail server can ONLY be
used to obtain FAQs. It cannot be used to get files from the go archive
This FAQ is also available on the go archive site: bsdserver.ucsf.edu
The go archive site (bsdserver.ucsf.edu) has several megabytes of go
releated materials, some of which are mentioned below.
You can log into the archive site with the username 'ftp' and any
password using the 'ftp' command. The files are in various
subdirectories under Go. The file Go/README (posted on the first of
each month to rec.games.go) contains a description of all files.
Filenames which appear below are relative to the Go directory.
If you don't have ftp, send a message to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com
containing the single line "help" to get information about ftping by
mail. This server allows you to connect to any ftp site and request
files by mail. Be sure to tell it to connect to bsdserver.ucsf.edu if
you want to get go files. If you absolutely cannot get the mail
server to work, send an email request to adrian@bsdserver.ucsf.edu and
I will mail you the files. When making such a request, be sure to
explain why you can't use the mailserver or you will receive a form
The go archive site is mirrorred on ftp.pasteur.fr in the pub/Go
directory. This mirror site is maintained by fmc@pasteur.fr.
The archive site is also mirrorred at rzis1.rz.tu-bs.de in the
directory pub/go.
The site imageek.york.cuny.edu mirrors the go archive site in the
directory igs/bsdserver. This site also carries records of all of the
games played on the Internet Go Server. It is operated by
Gopher is an alternative to ftp. If you have gopher installed, you
can connect to philosophy.cwis.uci.edu 7016, possibly by typing
gopher philosophy.cwis.uci.edu 7016
at a prompt. This is the UCI Philosophy Gopher. If you follow the
The World of Philosophy
Games by wire
you will reach the go options, which include access to this FAQ, as
well as access to the archive site.
Other go related materials are available from the experimental page
http://ltisun.epfl.ch/~warkent/go/go_intro.html which is operated
by warkent@ltisun.epfl.ch. The Irish Go Newsletter is available from
http://www.cs.tcd.ie/www/sflinter/iga/iga.html or by ftp from
ftp.cs.tcd.ie/pub/tcd/sflinter/newsletter. Some go information is
available from http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/afs/cs/user/wjh/public/Home.html.
The British Go association has a page at
Questions, comments, and corrections should be sent to
What has changed in the FAQ since the last posting:
Changed section 14.
0. Table of Contents
1. What is go?
2. What do those words mean?
3. What books should I read?
4. Where can I get go equipment, books, etc?
5. How does the ranking system work?
6. Is there a go club in...?
7. What is the IGS? How do I use it?
8. How do I play games by computer?
9. What are the different game record formats and how can I display them?
10. What programs can I get to display go game records?
11. What are the differences between different rules?
12. What public domain programs can I get to play go?
13. What commercial programs can I get to play go?
14. How strong are the commercial programs?
15. What computer go tournaments exist? What are the prizes?
16. What are the dimensions of a go board? How do I make my own board?
1. What is go?
Go is a two player strategy board game. Players take turns putting
black and white pieces (called stones) on a board. Stones are placed
on the intersection of the lines on the board, and can be placed on
the edge or in the corner. Once played a stone can not be moved, but
may be captured by the other player. A player can pass at any time.
Go is generally played on a 19 by 19 board, but smaller boards such as
9 by 9 or 13 by 13 are used by beginners or for shorter games.
The object of the game is to surround territory and/or your opponent's
stones. The game ends when both players pass. Under Japanese rules,
each intersection surrounded and each prisoner counts as a point. The
player with the most points wins.
An empty intersection adjacent to a stone (orthogonally) is called a
liberty. For example, a single stone in the middle of the board has 4
liberties. Stones that are adjacent form groups. Every group must
have at least one liberty. When a group's last liberty is filled it
is captured and removed from the board.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . O O . . . . . . O O . . .
. . # # . . . . O # # O . . . . O . . O . .
. . . # . . . . . . # O . . . . . O . O . .
. . . . . . . . . . O . . . . . . . O . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The stones in Now the black (#) With one move,
this group have group has only white captures the
seven liberties. one liberty. black stones.
It is illegal to make a move which recreates a preceding board
position (to prevent loops). The simplest repeating position is
called a ko.
. . . . . .
. . . . . . This is an example of a ko. One of the White (O) stones
. . # O . . can be captured by black. When a stone can be captured
. # O . O . it is said to be 'in atari'. If we didn't have the ko
. . # O . . rule, then Black and White could repeatedly capture one
. . . . . . stone in this situation, creating a loop.
When a group of stones can never be captured, it is 'alive'. Stones
can live either with two eyes or in seki.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . # # # # # # # . . . . O O O O O O O O O . .
. . # O O O O O # . . . . O # # # # # # # O . .
. . # O . O . O # . . . . O # . O O O . # O . .
The white (O) group in This is a seki situation.
this diagram is at the If either Black (#) or white (O)
edge of the board. It plays in one of the two open
has two holes or 'eyes' spaces, then the other player can
inside, and therefore capture. Therefore, neither
cannot be captured. player will play here.
It is advantageous to make the first move in a game. To offset this
advantage, extra points are usually subtracted from black's score.
These points are called the 'komi'. The komi is often set at 5.5
points, which makes tie games impossible.
More detailed introductions to the game are available from the archive
site in postscript (RULES.PS.Z) and in Smart-Go format (RULES.SG).
Beginners can also get comp/igo.zip from the archive site. This is a
stripped down version of Many Faces of Go for the IBM PC which
includes play on the 9 by 9 board and some instructional material.
2. What do those words mean?
Go discussion in English typically uses many japanese go terms. The
most common ones are:
joseki: An established, or standard, sequence that ends in a more or
less even result locally. Usually appears in a corner, but
occasionally on a side or in the center. Literal translation is
"established stone(s)"
tesuji: A particularly clever local move. Usually makes possible
something no other move would accomplish.
sente: Initiative, ability to go elsewhere. Opposite of gote.
gote: Forced to answer. Opposite of sente.
atari: A group which has one liberty left and hence is about to be
captured is in atari.
aji: Potential. Something that does not work, but may come to
work in the course of the game. Literally "taste".
A much longer list can be found on the archive site in info/definitions.Z.
A massive dictionary which translates between Japanese, English,
Chinese (pinyin), Korean, Dutch, German, French, Swedish and Italian
can also be found on the archive site in prog/intergo-1.11.tar.Z.
3. What books should I read?
Beginners may want to start with "The Magic of Go" by Cho Chikun or
"The Second Book of Go". The four book series "Graded Go Problems for
Beginners" is good, as is the Elementary Go Series.
A lengthy list of books is on the archive site: info/books.Z
4. Where can I get go equipment, books, etc?
Ishi Press International Ishi Press International
76 Bonaventura Drive PO Box 3288
San Jose, CA 95134 London England NW5 1RQ
Tel: (408)944-9900 Tel: +44(0) 171 284 4898
FAX: (408)944-9110 FAX: +44(0) 171 284 4899
Toll Free: (800)859-2086 gb@ishi-uk.demon.co.uk
e-mail: ishius@ishius.com
Ishi Press
1301-5 Yabata
Kanagawa-ken 253
(0467)83-4710 (fax)
Anton Dovydaitis operates a mailing list for information about Ishi
Press. Mail to ishius@ishius.com to be added to the list. Interested
people both inside and outside of the US should join this list. When
joining, specify that you are interested in go. Ishi products may be
ordered by WEB http://www.portal.com/~rww/top_go.html.
They publish Go World.
Another source for go equipment is
Yutopian Enterprises
4964 Adagio Court
Fremont, CA 94538
Tel: (510)659-0138
FAX: (510)770-8913
E-mail: yutopian@netcom.com
Yutopian carries boards, stones, English video tapes, computer
programs and books in Chinese and English.
They publish The American Go Extra ($5 for 4 issues).
Recent books published: Killer of Go by Sakata
5. How does the ranking system work?
The ranks are "kyu" and "dan". Kyu means pupil and dan means master,
but there is no qualitative difference. The ranks are like positive
and negative numbers (with no zero). A beginner starts out with a
high kyu rank (20-30 kyu) and advances to the strongest kyu rank of 1
kyu. The next rank above 1 kyu is 1 dan (shodan), and the dan ranks
proceed upward to 7 dan. On the 19x19 board, the number of handicap
stones is the difference between the ranks. A 3 kyu gives seven
stones to a 10 kyu. A 2 dan gives 2 stones to a 1 kyu. The
professional go players have a separate dan scale which goes from 1
dan to 9 dan. The professional scale has finer gradations than the
amateur scale: the difference between 9 dan and 1 dan is about 2
You can determine your strength only by playing aginast others with
known strength. There are books like "Test Your Rating", but those
tests are very unreliable.
On a 13x13 board, if the rank difference is "diff", then the following
table gives the handicap and komi:
diff Handicap Komi diff Handicap Komi diff Handicap Komi
0 0 8.5 7 3 5.5 14 5 2.5
1 0 5.5 8 3 2.5 15 5 -0.5
2 0 2.5 9 3 -0.5 16 6 5.5
3 0 -0.5 10 4 5.5 17 6 2.5
4 2 5.5 11 4 2.5 18 6 -0.5
5 2 2.5 12 4 -0.5 19 6 -3.5
6 2 -0.5 13 5 5.5 20 6 -6.5
Instead of trying to remember the table, you can use this formula to
calculate these numbers: Let d be the difference in rank. Pick r so
that (d + r) is a multiple of three. The number of handicap stones is
(d + r)/3. The number of komi points is 3r - 0.5.
On a full sized board, a handicap of 2 stones is about 15 points. The
third stone is worth 11 more, and each additional stone is worth one
point more than the last. Hence a five stone handicap is worth 15 +
11 + 12 + 13 = 51 points. A 9 stone handicap is thus worth 113
This is a chart showing
the number of handicap Amateur | Professional Rank
stones needed for a rank |------------------------------------
real (non-teaching) (dan) | 1 - 3 dan 4 - 6 dan 7 - 9 dan
game between amateur ---------------------------------------------
dan players and 1 | 8 - 9 - -
professionals. Max 2 | 7 - 8 8 - 9 -
Golem who posted this 3 | 6 - 7 7 - 8 8 - 9
chart to rec.games.go 4 | 5 - 6 6 - 7 7 - 8
says, "If you want to 5 | 4 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 7
find out how strong a 6 | 3 - 4 4 - 5 5 - 6
pro really is, play him 7 | <= 3 <= 4 <= 5
for money!"
6. Is there a go club in...?
Before asking the net, you should consult the appropriate lists of Go
clubs which are on the archive site. All of the lists except the AGA
list are in the info directory. They are:
aga/clubs.93 Clubs affiliated with the AGA
clubs.german.Z Clubs in Germany
clubs.ishi.Z Clubs on Ishi's mailing list
clubs.british.Z Clubs in Britain
clubs.australia.Z Clubs in Australia
clubs.sweden.Z Clubs in Sweden
clubs.canada.Z Clubs in Canada
clubs.chile.Z Clubs in Chile
7. What is the IGS? How do I use it?
The IGS is operating from
igs.nuri.net 6969
( 6969)
The old site which may become active again in January 1995 was:
hellspark.wharton.upenn.edu 6969
( 6969)
The Internet Go Server (IGS) is the most popular way of playing
realtime interactive go games by computer. If you couldn't find a
club listed above, then you can use the IGS as an electronic club.
You can connect to the IGS and look for opponents to play or just
watch a game. To connect directly to the IGS from a unix machine,
type "telnet igs.nuri.net 6969". The IP number is
When you connect for the first time, log in as "guest". In order to
gain full access to the IGS you will have to register for an account.
Type "help register" to get information about registering. When
connecting to the IGS, you must connect to telnet port 6969. Be SURE
to use the port number 6969. Please be ABSOLUTELY sure to use the
port number 6969. If you are on a VMS system, the port is specified
with "/port=6969" after the tenet command. The IGS is also run on a
site in France: flamingo.pasteur.fr (
Once connected to the IGS, you will need to use the help command to
learn how to use the interface. There is NO other accurate
information about the IGS available. Ancient (and hence innacurate)
LaTeX and Postscript versions of the server's help files are available
from the archive site as igs/igs.ps.Z and igs/igs.tex.Z. A more
recent (but still outdated) copy of the IGS helpfiles is in
New users should read the file Etiquette on the archive site which
explains how to behave when using the IGS, and when playing Go.
The IGS interface is quite awkward, so several client programs are
available to ease your interaction with the server. They are
all available on the archive site in the Go/clients directory:
igc0751.sh.Z ASCII client for Unix
xigc_v3.6.tar.Z X11 client
xgospel-1.9.tar.Z X11 client
kgo11.tar.Z X11 client
kgo_vms_v11.tar X11 VMS client
pcigc51x.exe IBM PC client WITH MODEM
tgigc20.zip IBM PC client for EGA/VGA WITH MODEM
igc075.zip IBM PC, ethernet with Clarkson packet drivers
gs1.35.sea.hqx Macintosh client
stigcbin-1.9.zoo Atari ST client
nextgo-2.5.3.tar.Z NeXT client
amigaigc077.lha Amiga client
winigc55.zip MS Windows, modem or Winsock
wigc1_3.zip MS Windows with Winsock (without modem)
DOS users may wish to consult clients/help.dos for information on
using either tgigc or pcigc.
Linux users may wish to use a utility called term which provides
pseudo TCP/IP. This program is available from the linux archives.
Xgospel binaries for various machines are available from
In order to use the IGS, you must be able to use telnet. You can pay
to get this capability through Holonet. To find your closest number
for a free demo, conneect by modem to 1-800-NET-HOLO. For more
information, send email to info@holonet.mailer.net. Another service
that provides telnet ability is Delphi. Call 1-800-695-4005 for more
8. How do I play games by computer?
Since computers make poor opponents, we use them to connect us to
other humans. There are two types of computer games: email, and
interactive. Email games can be handled manually, by creating a board
in an editor, or only exchanging move coordinates. The other option
is the use the unix program 'mailgo' which is included with mgt
(mgt/mgt231.sh.Z). It sends Smart-Go records of your game back and
forth, and invokes mgt for moves.
There are several ways to play interactive games. Probably the most
popular is the Internet Go Server (IGS) which was described in the
previous section. Another interactive options is the internet go
program, available on the archive site as prog/inetgo72.sh.Z, which
allows BSD Unix users to play interactive games with ascii text
screens. The xgosh program (prog/xgosh17.sh.Z on the archive site)
allows people with X-Windows to play interactive games with a
graphical board. The two interactive programs are NOT compatible. A
third program XMango (prog/xmango10.tar.Z) also permits interactive
play with X. Windigo (prog/windigo0.zip) for MS Windows permits play
over a LAN.
To help find suitable opponents, check out the go players email
address list, available on the archive site as go-players, and also
posted monthly.
There is a standard go modem protocol which is used by go programs for
modem play. It is implemented in Many Faces of Go, Nemesis, Smart
Game Board and Telego (a shareware go modem program for the IBM PC).
The protocol spec and sample code are available from the archive site
as prog/protocol.Z.
Fotland's program, Many Faces of Go for X Windows on HP machines
supports two players on two screens.
The Imagination Network provides on line game players for IBM-PC
owners with a modem. They have Go, Chess, Checkers, Othello, bridge,
Cribbage, Hearts, as well as a Dungeon game and a multiplayer flight
simulator. Graphics are pretty good, software is free. Connect
charge is $12.95 per month for 30 hours. Call 1-800-SIERRA1 to sign
An electronic Go club is present on NovaNet, a Computer-Aided Learning
system that is installed in schools. NovaNet uses a special terminal
program, with color graphics, mouse and sound support. To find out
more, contact Dietrich Schuschel at schuschel-dialup@nova.novanet.org
or schuschel/dialup/nova. NovaNet accounts are available from Bill
Strutz, (217) 244-4300. Cost is $2.50/hour usage and $10 for the
terminal program (spec Mac, IBM, Sun, X format). The lesson name is
9. What are the different game record formats and how can I display them?
There are several different formats for game records. The two most
popular formats are Smart-Go and Ishi "Standard" Format. Definitions
for these two formats are on the archive site in info/smartgo.def.Z and
prog/standard.sh.Z respectively.
The Smart-Go format can be read by mgt, winmgt, xmgt, xsgfedit, Pon
Nuki, xgoban, NeXTGo, wingo and the Smart Go program. Ishi Format can
be read by Many Faces of Go, Goscribe, Goview, Contender, Smart Go
Board (version 4.0 or later), and Nemesis (version 5 and above).
Smart Go Board cannot write Ishi format. Ishi publishes games
regularly in Ishi format.
The Liberty format is a binary format which is not common. Many of
the files on the archive site are presently in this format. They can
be converted to other formats with prog/convert.tar.Z.
There is a program prog/sg2ishi05.sh.Z or prog/sg2ishi05.zip on the
archive site which attempts to convert Smart-Go to Ishi format. It
cannot handle variations, and has problems with the short form of
Smart-Go. A second option is the SG2GO program contained in the
prog/gobase20.zip utilities. This is available as C source or as an
IBM PC executable and does handle variations.
10. What programs can I get to display go game records?
The program mgt will display game records under Unix (either ascii or
X11), MSDOS, MS-Windows, Atari ST or RISCOS. The Unix and MSDOS
versions do not use graphics, however. The mgt program was created
originally by Greg Hale at the request of rec.games.go readers who
wanted an interactive program that would read a series of tutorial
files posted to the net. The program was expanded by Adrian Mariano
to edit and save game records. The purpose of mgt is to display and
edit game records in Smart-Go format. It can be used to display a
game board. Pieces can be placed and removed, and games can be
scored. Mgt is in mgt/mgt231.sh.Z (Unix ascii), mgt/xmgt231.tar.Z
(Unix X11), mgt/mgt231.zip (MSDOS) mgt/stmgt.zoo (Atari ST),
mgt/winmgt42.zip (MS WINDOWS), mgt/arcmgt101 (Acorn Archimedes).
The program xgoban by Antoine Dumesnil de Maricourt (dumesnil@etca.fr)
can display and edit Smart-Go under X11. It can also communicate with
wally to provide a graphical interface to this program. Kenneth
Duda's program xsgfedit (prog/xsgfedit-1.01.tar.Z) can also edit
The program Pon Nuki (prog/ponnuki10.hqx) for the Mac can display and
edit Smart-Go or Ishi format.
The program "go" by Robert Parker can display and edit Ishi format for
Unix (text mode or on a 630 terminal), or Windows. The source code is
in prog/go.sh.Z.
NeXTGo (clients/nextgo-2.5.3.tar.Z) is available for the NeXT and can
display Smart-Go.
Sgview (prog/sgview11.zip) can display Smart-Go with true graphics
under MS-DOS. The program text and documentation are in German.
Go Record (prog/record12.exe) can display Smart-Go with chinese
Wingo (prog/wingo1.zip) can display Smart-Go for Microsoft Windows.
Many Faces of Go can display only Ishi format.
Telego and Tgigc can display Ishi format files.
The Smart-Go program itself is available for the Mac as shareware.
It is on the archive site as prog/smartgo41.hqx.
Also, Goscribe for MSDOS is available through Ishi press for $59.95.
It can display and edit Ishi format.
11. What are the differences between different rules?
Several minor variations in the rules can change the game slightly.
Under Japanese rules, the score is calculating by counting points of
territory and subtracting the number of captured stones. Points in
seki are not counted, even if they are completely surrounded by one
Under Chinese rules, the score is calculating by counting points of
territory and stones left on the board. The number of captures is
not counted. Points surrounded in seki are counted as territory and
points shared in seki are counted as 1/2 point for each player.
Because the sum of the scores is always 361, only one color needs to
be counted.
The komi for Japanese scoring is a number of points to subtract from
black's score. With Chinese counting, the komi is a number of extra
white stones to place in black's territory. Placing a white stone
in black's territory gives white one point and deprives black of one
point, so the total value is 2 points. A 2.75 stone komi
corresponds to a 5.5 point komi.
In handicap games, the Japanese system makes no adjustment, but the
Chinese system deducts half of the handicap from black's score and
adds it to white's.
In the absence of sekis, and assuming that white plays last, these
two scoring systems will produce the same score difference.
The big difference between the systems is that under the Japanese
system, players are penalized for playing inside their own
territory. This makes it difficult to resolve disputes about the
life status of groups on the board at the end of the game. Until
recently, the Japanese rules handled this by enumerating cases at
great length.
A famous example is the "bent four in the corner".
# # . O # . . What is the status of the white group? If black (#)
# O O O # . . plays inside, then white must capture. Then black
. O # # # . . can start a ko fight. Only black can start the fight.
O O # . # . . If white plays, the white stones are dead. Therefore,
# # # # . # . black will not start the fight until the end of the
. . . # # # . game after black has removed enough of white's ko
. . . . . . . threats so that black will win the fight.
Under the old Japanese rules, the white group would have been ruled
unconditionally dead. Under Chinese counting, the status of the
group depends on the number of ko threats. If white has unremovable
ko threats, the white group may live. A seki can provide an
unremovable ko threat.
The Nihon Kiin adopted new rules in 1989 which remove the special
rulings like the bent four ruling. The new rules say that to
resolve life and death questions at the end of the game, you play
them out on a different board. While playing these disputes, the ko
rule is altered: the only legal ko "threat" is "pass". This means
that direct ko fights are automatically won by the first player to
capture. With this new rule, the bent four is still unconditionally
The GOE rules use Chinese counting. Before 1991, these rules had a
more complex way of counting shared points in seki. Instead of
dividing them equally, they were divided in proportion to the number
of stones each player had around the disputed point.
. . . . . With the pre-1991 GOE rules, this situation would have
. # # # # split the left point 2/3 for white (O) and 1/3 for black.
. # O O O The right point would have been divided evenly.
# # O # O So black would get 5/6 points and white would get 7/6.
# O O # O This method was abanded because dealing with the various
# O . # . fractions was annoying.
Suicide is playing a stone which does not capture an enemy group,
but does remove the last liberty of one of your own groups. Since
your group has no liberties, it is immediately removed from the
board. It is possible to use suicide to make ko threats available
sooner. There are even situations where suicide plays a direct role
in life and death problems.
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
O O O O O . . . . If suicide is legal, black lives in seki. If
# # # # O . . . . suicide is forbidden, all the black stones die.
. . . # O . . . .
O O O # O O O . . See games/suicide.mgt on the archive site for
# . O # # # O . . details.
# # O # . # O . .
The purpose of the ko rule is to prevent infinite loops in the game.
The simplest way to do this is to forbid repeating a board position.
This is generally called the "superko" rule.
The Japanese rules only prohibit immediate repetitions. If the
players managed to form a longer loop, which can happen with three
simple kos on the board, then the game is is replayed. This triple
ko situation has arisen in professional games.
The GOE rules specify a very complicated ko rule involving a
distinction between "fighting" kos and "disturbing" kos.
Handicap stones
Japanese rules dictate that the handicap stones be placed on the
star points in fixed patterns. Other rule sets simply give black
free moves without restriction.
Pass stones
In order to bring Japanese counting and Chinese counting into
agreement, the AGA rules dictate that whenever a player passes, that
player must give a prisoner to the other player. This stone is a
captured stone and will be counted as such if Japanese counting is
used. AGA rules also require that white make the last move.
This allows life and death disputes to be played out on the board
without changing the score, even though Japanese counting is used.
Note also that AGA rules do award points for surrounded territory in
The full statement of the current GOE rules is on the archive site as
igs/goe.rules.Z. The AGA rules are in aga/aga.rules.Z.
12. What public domain programs can I get to play go?
Very few public domain programs exist. Those that do are extremely
weak. On the archive site, you will find comp/wally.sh.Z, which can be
compiled anywhere. If you think wally is too strong, you can get the
even weaker gnugo from prep.ai.mit.edu in pub/gnu/gnugo-1.1.tar.gz.
If you have X11, you can get xgoban from the archive site
(prog/xgoban-1.0.sh.Z) to act as a graphical interface to either wally
or gnugo. A compiled version for linux is in prog/xgoban-linux.tar.Z.
Macintosh users can try MacGo or Dragon Go (available on the archive
site), though these programs are incompatible with some macs. Amiga
users can get Amigo (comp/amigo.lzh on the archive site). Amigo has
been ported to X11 (comp/xamigo.sh.Z) and to GEM atari
(comp/gemamigo.zip). If you have access to an HP9000 either 680x0
based or HP-PA risc based, you can get Many Faces of Go for X11 from
the archive site in comp/hp-xgo.tar.Z. Many Faces of Go is available
commercially for other platforms and is one of the strongest Go
programs. A restricted version of Many Faces of Go for the IBM PC
which can play only on a nine by nine board is available from the
archive site (comp/igo.zip). This program makes a good introduction
to the game.
13. What commercial programs can I get to play go?
The information in this section may be somewhat out of date. Prices or
version numbers may be wrong.
Program Ver Price Platforms Supplier
Many Faces of Go 8.03 $40 dos Ishi
Star of Poland 3.1 $110 ? OPENetwork
Nemesis 5 $69 mac, dos, win Crystalline Creations
Go Intellect 5.0 $59 mac Yutopian
Go Explorer ? mac Anders Kierulf
Handtalk 94.05 $69 dos Yutopian
Goliath ? mac Ishi
GoTools 1.03 $69 dos Yutopian (USA), Thomas Wolf
A demo version of Many Faces of Go which plays only on the 9x9 board
is available free (comp/igo.zip).
Demo versions of Nemesis which only allow computer vs. computer play
are available for mac, DOS and MS Windows on the archive site.
(comp/nem-dos.zip, comp/nem-win.zip, comp/nemesis-mac.sea.hqx.)
Nemesis Go Master Delux includes a Joseki tutor and a life and death
analyzer. It costs $139 from Crystalline Creations.
Contact information for Ishi Press and Yutopian appears in section 4.
215 Berkeley Pl.
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(718) 638-2266
Crystalline Creations
P.O. Box 8289
N. Brattleboro, VT 05304
802-896-9449 FAX
Anders Kierulf
Smart Game Board
P.O. Box 7751
Menlo Park, CA 94026-7751
GoTools by Thomas Wolf only does life and death problems. The program
comes with 10000 problems, it can create new problems, and solve
problems posed by the user. For an additional $69 you can get 12000
more problems and support for LaTeX printing of Go diagrams. Outside
of the US, the program can be ordered directly from the author for 39
pounds. See the WWW page below for more information on this program.
Thomas Wolf
30 Ernald Avenue
East Ham
London E6 4NS
Tel: (+44)(0) 171 975 5493 daytime
(+44)(0) 181 470 6862 evening
email: T.Wolf@qmw.ac.uk
14. How strong are the commercial programs?
(Much of this section is taken from posts by David Fotland, the author
of Many Faces of Go.)
It's difficult to rank the programs because they are all very
inconsistent in their play. They may play a sequence of moves that
look dan level, or solve a dan level problem during play, but then a
few moves later they will make a move that a 20 kyu would never make.
Since none of the current programs can learn from their own mistakes,
when the same situation comes up they will make the same bad move
A few years ago, the top program in the world (Goliath) claimed to be
around 8 or 10 Kyu. Many Faces of Go and Nemesis claim to be 13 Kyu.
Poka claims to be about 17 Kyu, and Dragon Go is about 17 kyu as well.
These claims are generally based on games that are the first game the
human has played against a computer. Nemesis has played in AGA rated
tournaments for its rating.
David Fotland says, "I know someone who was having trouble beating
Many Faces at 13 stones until I suggested he could beat it at 29
stones. He spent a few weeks trying odd moves and found some
weaknesses, and now he has no trouble beating it at 29 stones. Each of
the programs has different weaknesses, but they all tend to collapse
tactically in a complicated position, so if attach and crosscut a lot
you can usually win big."
1994 World Computer Go Congress Results
The top 3 programs were very closely matched, all finishing with 5 wins
and one loss. Go Intellect beat Many Faces of Go, which beat Handtalk, which
beat Go Intellect. Go Intellect took first place on sum of defeated
opponent's scores since it had played a weak program that got two
points for bye's. Many Faces and Handtalk were tied on both SDS and SOS,
but Many Faces had beaten Handtalk in their match, so it took second.
The top 4 programs are unchanged from last year, but finished in a
different order. In 1994, the game between Many Faces and Star of
Poland was won by Many Faces by only one point. In 1993, Go Intellect
and Many Faces were tied for 3rd on all 4 tie breakers, and a special,
extra game was played, which Go Intellect won by one point. These 4
programs are all essentially the same strength.
As the winner, Go Intellect collected $NT200,000 (about US$6000), and
played 3 games against top youth players at a 15 play handicap for an
additional prize. Go Intellect lost all 3 games, so the 15 play
handicap prize is still available next year.
There were two new programs this year, one that is being developed in
Japan for Nintendo, and was started last December, and one that was
written in Taiwan by 3 high school students.
1: Go Intellect, by Ken Chen, USA
2: Many Faces of Go, by David Fotland, USA
3: Handtalk, by Zhixing Chen, China
4: Star of Poland, by Janusz Kraszek, Poland
5: Stone, by Kuo-yuan Kao, USA
6: Modgo, by Alfred Knoepfle, Germany
7: Sason, by Choong Ho Lee, South Korea
8: Hwa Hsia, by Yi-Jun Chang, Shen-yang Lo, Wei-hsiang Chang, Taiwan
9: by Toshikazu Sato, Japan
Summary of results of all Ing World Computer Go competitions:
This competition takes place every November, with a prize of about
US$6,000 for first place. The top program gets to play a match
against people at a handicap, for prizes from about US$6,000 to US$1.6
I include all programs that have participated more than once, or that
finished in the top 4 places. Programs are listed in order of long
term relative strength, with recent results weighted slightly higher.
87 - Taipei, Taiwan
88 - Taipei, Taiwan
89 - Taipei, Taiwan
90 - Beijing, China
91 - Singapore
92 - Tokyo Japan
93 - Chendu, China
94 - Taipei, Taiwan
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
Ken Chen Go Intellect 5 3 2 2 1 3 1
Mark Boon Goliath 7 3 1 1 1 3
ZhiXing Chen Handtalk 6 2 1 3
Janusz Kraszek Star Of Poland 9 4 6 3 5 5 2 4
David Fotland Many Faces of Go 4 8 7 10 6 4 2
Kao Kuo Yuan Stone 7 10 7 6 5
Dong-Yue Liu Dragon 2 2 12 4 3
Alfred Knoepfle Modgo 8 5 6
Japanese team GOG 4
Noriaki Sanechica Igo 10 5 6 4
Anders Kierulf/ Explorer 4 7 13 8
Martin Mueller
Chung Ho Lee Sason 9 10 7
Bruce Wilcox Nemesis 5 11 2 5 11 7
Yoshikawa Dai Honinbo 9 14 8 13
K Hayashi Codan 1
Loh-Tsi Wang Friday 1
Kaihu Chen Peanut 3
Allan Scarf Microgo 2 6 13
If you are interested in computer go you may want to join the
computer-go mailing list. The computer-go mailing was established in
Feb 93 to discuss programming computers to play go. The volume of
mail on this list is rather low, but sometimes goes up in bursts. To
join the list, send a request to
To post to the list, send a message to
Please do not post to the whole list your request to join or leave the
list. An archive of the mailing list is on the archive site in the
files comp/compgo-mail-*.Z. An automatically generated archive of all
recent messages sent to the list is available on ftp.comlab.ox.ac.uk
in /pub/Documents/computer-go/mail-archive.
15. What computer go tournaments exist? What are the prizes?
There is a North American Championship every year at the Go Congress
the first week of August. Plaques and the title of North American
Computer Go Champion are the prizes. There is a similar competition
at the European Go Congress. The Usenix conference used have a
computer go competition every year, and may still - no prizes.
The big money is in the World Computer Go Congress, sponsored by Ing
Chang Chi and Acer in Taiwan. They have a preliminary competition
every August (formerly held in Europe, USA, and Japan, but now held in
Taipei with programs that are mailed in by their authors). If you do
well in the preliminary (defined as beating two of 3 benchmark
programs -- this year the benchmarks were Handtalk, Stone and Modgo)
you will be reimbursed for 1/2 of your air fare to the Congress. If
you beat last year's champ you travel for free. The congress is held
on November 11 and 12 in various places. It has been in Beijing
(1990), Singapore (1991), Tokyo (1992), Chengdu in the Chinese
province of Szechuan (1993) and in Taipai (1994).
First prize for the best computer program is about $6,000. Second is
about $1,000 and 3rd is about $500. The winning computer program
plays a 3 game series against three local kids and gets another $6000
if it wins. This prize went unclaimed for five years, but in 1991
Goliath beat all three human challengers, so the handicap has been
decreased to 14 moves. The top prize for winning a 7 game series
against a professional (of unspecified rank) is about $1.6 Million.
The contest only runs through the year 2000 so the top prizes will go
16. What are the dimensions of a go board? How do I make my own board?
The official size according to Nihon Ki-in is 45.45 x 42.42 (cm).
Measurements of an Ishi board indicate that the lines are 0.8 mm
thick and the hoshi points are 3 mm in diameter.
Stones are supposed to be 20-21 mm in diameter.
Net discussions about making your own board are on the archive site
in info/board.Z.